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Cardboard Macbook Pro

I've been meaning to make a proper case for an old macbook pro that I brought back from the dead but still haven't gotten around to it. Yesterday I decided to mock one up with cardboard and it actually worked out quite well:

About a year ago I received a broken 2010 macbook pro that had been dropped and was a little mangled. After playing around with it and taking things apart I was able to get it running again; removed the battery and optical drive and replaced the hard drive.

Along the way I learned a lot of interesting things, like that the keyboard is held in with 72 tiny screws.

Eventually I plan to build a proper case, using this cardboard mockup as a guide. It will probably be made out of see-through acrylic for looks. In the mean time I'm actually quite happy with how this cardboard thing turned out. Not only is it easier to move around, but it's actually completely quiet. There's apparently enough airflow that the fans aren't forced to spin at max even when I'm using the entirety of the CPU.

Next I need to fix an old iMac that I received at the same time as this laptop. Unfortunately with that one it's dealing with the issue of a corrupt bios.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 31, 2014 2:38 PM.

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