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Making up for the past two years

This has become a regular pattern with me and blogging: Write a couple posts, long stretch of time, write a couple posts. I really want to be more consistent in my postings so I can at least have something to look back on and be reminded of what I've done over the years (as I'm pretty sure no one else reads these). There have been many projects since my last post, not to mention 3D prints, and a multitude of images to share. Upcoming posts to be written over the next couple of days:
Latest 3D prints
3D Scanning (both with the Kinect and the new Structure Sensor)
Gardening (some successes and failures)
Computer Recovery
Advanced Hard Drive Recovery
Warrior Dash (5k of fun)
Chemistry Experiments (and Explosions)
Quadcopters (and Tricopters)

And that should be enough for me to catch up on in the coming week.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 14, 2014 9:22 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Pretty pictures of the past few weeks.

The next post in this blog is Out with the New in with the Old.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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