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Pretty pictures of the past few weeks

Ok, so maybe not so pretty, but here are a sampling of the things I've made so far with my Ultimaker.

This is a fan duct which is slightly improved over the stock one that came with the printer.

This container can be used to sort some of the odds and ends found in my room. And it's modular, so I can just print out more bins as needed.

This is a replacement extruder gear in case I need a spare (or want to build another printer).

Surprisingly I found that this bowl can hold water. And print quality should only increase from here.

More pictures are still to come. Still playing around with settings and getting things to print to glass consistently.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 27, 2012 3:48 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Printing Challenges.

The next post in this blog is Making up for the past two years.

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