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September 2014 Archives

September 6, 2014

Warrior Dash

Somewhat on a whim I decided to accept the offer some friends made me to run the Warrior Dash with them. Before this I hadn't even heard of obstacle course racing, and it had been years since I'd last run much of any distance, but it sounded like fun. It turned out that the Warrior Dash is pretty tame for an obstacle race (I had a much harder time on the running than the actual obstacles) but it was still a great time to be with friends, get a little muddy, and get some much needed exercise.

Here's a relatively short timelapse I took with a gopro camera to give you a sense of the course (and my own lack of athleticism):

About September 2014

This page contains all entries posted to Mark in September 2014. They are listed from oldest to newest.

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May 2016 is the next archive.

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