Up until now I've been recharging a 1.5 kWh battery bank back in Massachusetts and then rationing that power throughout the week before I head back to recharge (amongst other things). Now that I'm actually living full-time up at my property there's a growing need to produce my own power. I do have a 5.6kWh solar array on order which should arrive sometime next week that I hope to be using at least in part within the next two weeks, but in the meantime I have to make due with a bit smaller of a setup.

The battery that I'm using, which you can see peaking out from behind the panels, is a Bluetti EB150. The panels in front are a 120W portable panel setup from the same company. While I had been making use of the battery for over a year now the panels were something I had just purchased a few months ago and finally got around to testing yesterday. It was a nice sunny day and the panels were able to output around 100 watts fairly consistently which I thought was pretty good considering their non-ideal angling (should have used a bigger table). I was able to top off the battery that afternoon which gave me enough juice to finish this first iteration of the blog. This should be enough to keep me going until the more permanent setup is here. It will be nice to have a running refrigerator again.